
The events are announced at psychology events page.


They are organized regularly by the Psychology program. These seminars offer an opportunity to get acquainted with and discuss the research conducted by local and international researchers in the field of psychology. They aim to encourage both intellectual and social exchanges between the students, guests, and faculty members. All interested students and faculty members are welcome to attend these seminars. 


Every semester, we organize a cross-cutting panel as a part of PSY201 Mind and Behavior where students can see Psychology faculty members discussing their research interests and methods.  The goal of the cross-cutting panel is to give students the opportunity to see that different fields in psychology share a common goal of understanding human behavior. Students can see the similarity and differences between a variety of approaches, research questions, and learn about the diverse practical applications of psychological theory. 

You are welcome to attend this event if you are not a psychology student! It’s an open event for those who are interested in psychology and curious to see Psychology faculty members, learn about their research, and ask questions. The Spring 2020 cognitive psychology cross-cutting panel will be held on March 4, Wednesday 14:40 - 15:30 and the social psychology panel will be held on May 6, Wednesday 14:40 - 15:30 at FASS G062.


It is an international non-profit project dedicated to diversity in our society, and developing dialogue between people from different social, professional, religious, and ethnic groups. Such a dialogue, in an informal and safe environment, helps to get rid of stereotypes causing discrimination and helps to raise understanding and acceptance of diversity in society. 

The Human Library event is organized annually by the Psychology program and CIP. It is a unique opportunity to learn more about different types of people who live among us. Human Library works the same way as a normal library; Readers fill a library card, choose a Book from a catalog and borrow it for reading. Then they return the Book back to the Library, and if they want, they take another one. The only difference is that the Book in Human Library is a real person, and reading is a conversation. Books are individuals from the social groups that often experience stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination and who are willing to share their personal history, experience and knowledge, and respond honestly to the questions of Readers. For the vast majority of Readers and Books – reading is a very inspiring and reciprocally enriching process.  After reading Books at Human Library you can get a better understanding of different people, including your own family members, friends, co-workers and even yourself.

You can read more at human library website. If you want to be a volunteer, look for announcements about Human Library organization, usually in the middle of Fall semester, or contact


The Psychology program is participating in the annual Major Fest, which is designed to help SU undergraduate students in their major and minor exploration journey. The event is held during the spring term and encompasses various activities such as program presentations, alumni panels, and career-related seminars. At Major Fest students have the opportunity to meet with faculty members, alumni and senior students from all undergraduate programs. All SU undergraduate students who have not made their program declarations yet are encouraged to attend the event.

This year the event is planned to be held on 1 April 2020. For more information on the event you can contact
